Tuesday, August 5, 2008

I love R House

I know a girl. She is an incredible writer. She inspires. She has insight. She builds up the down trodden. She shares her sweet light to those that are feeling lost. She searches for the good. Today she found something that I loved. And I couldn't let it go without sharing...

When you are feeling like all is lost, there is hope. When life throws you down, you can be lifted. When challenges come (and they do), you can conquer. I especially loved the advice, "to avoid rush, haste and uncontrolled words."

Listen to this wonderful message:



Angie said...

Very awesome utube message. Thx. Happy Birthday.

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing this utube message. I needed it tonight. I love reading your blog. Have a great trip to AK. Love your greatest aunt amy