We are the luckiest 6 people in the world!

This is OUR man! He is isn't scared of anything (except spiders, ticks and when you jump out and scare him when he comes around a corner). We love that he is goofy, even at his age (he is like 30 something).

Not only can he chop wood, he can find it too! (Moments after this picture was taken, he chopped off his finger, no wait, that was what happened when he was chopping wood a few years ago)

He doesn't just find the "easy kind of wood," the kind any old person can find just lying around. No, no, he pushes his own wood down and then and only then will he chop it up for our fire.

He usually inspects each tree before pushing it over. Here he is analyzing this speciman to see if it is worthy of our fire. Look at Ethan checking out his amazing father!

After searching, pushing over and chopping the wood, we can all relax by the blazing warm fire and enjoy an afternoon of hotdogs and smores. Thanks Garth for being our man. And for teaching our four little men how to grow up to be real men just like their father.
1 comment:
He is a good man, and goofy!
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