The house is completely quiet, except for the humming coming from the printer. The dog and 2 cats are sleeping at my feet, every now and then, Rigby's whiskers suddenly twitch. The children are spread at their various locations:
1. Sommer just finished her Varsity Field Hockey game and is watching the JV (I attended this but made it home already)
2. Calvin is playing his first scrimmage football game (Garth attending)
3. Ethan is at guitar lessons.
4. Tate is at football practice.
5. Ashton, not quite sure but rumor has it Pop Pop took him along with Ethan.
In a matter of minutes, my children will begin running through the doors of our home with sweaty faces, laughter and stories a plenty to share.
But in this small moment, it is quiet. I have time to focus and ponder. It is amazing the thoughts that run easily through my mind without the constant slamming of doors, neighborhood children seeking companionship, the dog hopping up each time, searching for a shoe to present to each visitor, the phone ringing, hungry people requesting food...and on and on.
I had an experience last week that reminded me how important it is to seek moments of quiet. It is here we can clear our minds of the everyday hustle and bustle that crowds into life which may make it more difficult to hear guidance from our Heavenly Father.
In one small moment, sitting quietly in my room, I felt the need to check on one of my children. And without hesitation I did...
I can't go into detail about what transpired but I know at that very moment of pause, the heavens were able to speak and my soul able to listen.
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