Sunday, July 4, 2010

Swim, Swam, Swum

Ethan went away on his first overnight camp at UVA!
It was swim, swim and swim all week long.
He met a great group of friends right off the bat!

Here he is giving us a farewell as he begins his week.

But first the whole family drove to the UVA campus to get him settled in. Our first stop was lunch and a few wishes at the wishing well. Ashton "wished" he would find a quarter. His wish was immediately granted when he looked down and found one on the ground.

Here we all are glad to have just gotten Calvin back from BYU golf camp and sad to be sending off Ethan to his camp!

Here is the door to Ethan's dorm room for the week. Notice, Porter Garth. Garth accidentally signed himself up for the camp. We had to change a few things to get Ethan's name changed but his friends still liked to call him "Porter."

Here he is with a big excited smile ready to go!

But is seemed a bit scarier when we actually were there saying good-bye! Look at the fear in those eyes...or maybe he just thinks I am weird.

The camp was a success and he had a blast. Do you know that this boy is ranked in the top 25 for all 9-10 boys for Breaststroke in the whole county (I think he is #5)?! And he is on two relays that are ranked #1.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

I love the picture of you with all of your kids. SO CUTE!