First, I must preface this race account with Calvin's awesome FIRST ever 5k race! The boy ran a rockin' race, coming in at 24:30 without even training one day. Man that boy has talent. I love it. And now I have us signed up (including the rest of the family), for another 5k in a few weeks.
TTTTTT is TT stands for: Thankful That The Thanksgiving TURKEY TROT is Totally Trotted!
I get myself so worked up about races. Why don't I just go out and enjoy the sights and sounds, people and pets, experience and excitement of racing?
Because...I like a CHALLENGE with plenty of pain (epidurals not included)...AND that is what all the other runs during the week are for!
So the latest and greatest idea of mine was to take a few months off from marathon training and dive right into 5k record breaking. That meant no more long 20 mile runs. What it did mean though was running my guts out on the track.
I have plenty of zippity do-DA mentors out there! I have brother Matt who is wicked fast indeed. I have friends here in Virginia who not only run super speedy marathons but blast it in a 5k. This time my friend Jen got on board and decided to be my personal "pacer" today.
My goal: Beat my fastest 5k time to date which was set exactly two years ago: 21:26. And while at it, go ahead and break the 21 minute barrier. That means I had to run a 6:45 minute mile. Ouch for me.
So at 8 am this morning, I attempted to break my personal record....
There are over 3,000 trotters lined up. Many friends have gathered together at the starting line ready to get hearts a racing.
The gun goes off. The first mile is downhill, so the plan was to hit it hard. Within 50 steps, my heart was a pumpin' overtime and my legs a screamin.' Jen places herself a few steps ahead of me and begins giving me a play by play attack plan. This girl isn't even huffing or puffing due to her amazing running skills (her PR is in the low 19 minute range)...and I try to not hold that against her.
You would think a measly 3.1 miles would be a walk in the park...especially compared to 3 and a half hours of running a marathon! But there is nothing like a full out sprint for 20 odd minutes...don't like it one bit. I definitely prefer a longer slower run...
So mile one passes. We hit a 6:35 pace. Perfect time, but I know it is way too fast for my skill level. The only good thing, is all of the children that weave all over the place have been left in our dust.
Mile two begins with a lovely uphill. Then another hill and maybe even another. Jen keeps telling me to pick it up a bit...what?! I think is she crazy! But after seeing our 2 mile split come in at 7:15, I start to worry. I am not going to be able to do this unless I can pick it up!
But then I think, one more lousy mile...7 more minutes...maybe less if I dig deep.
We turn the corner for the final .75 mile (uphill). Jen pulls the pace up and tells me to keep with her. I do! And then she says, "Heather, you will now pass me and start picking people off." I look at my watch, it says I am running 6:15's. I am dying. I can hear the announcer. I am getting closer. My legs are burning. My heart is about to explode. I pass a few boys. I see two speedy girls (go girls) that I just can't catch. I see the timer, it reads 20:50. Click, click...I give it a good push....I give it everything I have...
2 seconds off my goal time.
I think, "Seriously? I couldn't run just 2 seconds faster?!" Nope. I couldn't have. Not this time.
What a great day of pain.
I wonder if I burned enough calories in 21:02 minutes to cover my Thanksgiving dinner? I doubt it.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I am Not Sick
I am totally not sick. Even though I have somewhat of a cough, I am not sick. I ache a bit, but no way am I sick. My eyes are sore, but nothing a little sleep can't cure. Calvin was home with a 102 fever a few days this week. Nope, I don't have a fever (I have checked a few times though), therefore not sick.
Tonight I feel sick though. A little cough, a little ache, my eyes fever. I guess I should go to bed and give another day of "not being sick" a try.
There is absolutely no time to be sick anyway!
This week:
1. Spent all day Saturday with the General Primary President training all primary presidents in our region (awesome indeed).
2. Sunday drove Sommer to the Washington DC temple to hear/see Sister Dalton, the Young Women's President speak to all of the Young Women in the region (awesome indeed).
3. Two kids to dentist, haircut, Visiting Teaching, was visit taught...
4. Watched Brittany solo for the first time. Her feeding tube was only knocked out three times thus spraying the both of us with her formula. When her mom came home, she assured me this happened often and while I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, she went to hose down Brittany.
5. Planned a bridal shower for a friend with one week notice...a super success...whew!
6. Let Sommer stay home from school and took her on a New Moon and lunch date.
7. Ran way too much (training for a 5k race next week where I hope to get a personal best)
8. Had our Christmas photos taken (love them) and then had cards I haven't even thought about sending them yet).
9. Stained our decrepit swing set (nightmare)...thanks Calvin for all of the help...other 3 boys, not so much.
10. Took two older boys on date with Garth and I. A little bit of a bust when movie was sold out. time to be sick!
Tonight I feel sick though. A little cough, a little ache, my eyes fever. I guess I should go to bed and give another day of "not being sick" a try.
There is absolutely no time to be sick anyway!
This week:
1. Spent all day Saturday with the General Primary President training all primary presidents in our region (awesome indeed).
2. Sunday drove Sommer to the Washington DC temple to hear/see Sister Dalton, the Young Women's President speak to all of the Young Women in the region (awesome indeed).
3. Two kids to dentist, haircut, Visiting Teaching, was visit taught...
4. Watched Brittany solo for the first time. Her feeding tube was only knocked out three times thus spraying the both of us with her formula. When her mom came home, she assured me this happened often and while I cleaned up the mess in the kitchen, she went to hose down Brittany.
5. Planned a bridal shower for a friend with one week notice...a super success...whew!
6. Let Sommer stay home from school and took her on a New Moon and lunch date.
7. Ran way too much (training for a 5k race next week where I hope to get a personal best)
8. Had our Christmas photos taken (love them) and then had cards I haven't even thought about sending them yet).
9. Stained our decrepit swing set (nightmare)...thanks Calvin for all of the help...other 3 boys, not so much.
10. Took two older boys on date with Garth and I. A little bit of a bust when movie was sold out. time to be sick!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
What to Blog About...
I could blog about all of the Halloween candy I have been eating (just found an entire bag of Reese's...I ate 3 so far today...oops just ate another). Should I mention the amount my kids have been eating?! With five kids, three of which stayed out for hours, only can bring about mounds of the stuff. I keep telling myself I am going to throw it all away, or donate or freeze it...but I can't.
I could blog about the crazy afternoons I have created for myself. I now have 26 piano students and it might be killing me...slowly. I really love it, I do. It just is a lot when five darling kids come home from school, homework needs to be done, dinner prepared, etc. I get calls or emails every other day with moms wanting their kids to take from me (love the compliment), I can't seem to say no. Even when Garth peers into my office as I am talking with them, shaking his head and more. But how grateful I am for the extra income it has provided us during hard times. It's just a lot.
I could blog about the hours of TV I watch each night, many of which are a total waste of my time. I try not to tune in but it calls me...every evening at 8. It's kind of like a time card. I literally "clock out" and begin my zombie-like ritual over and over and over again. I need to stop. But if I did, I would just turn to reading and that usually isn't the scriptures at that hour.
I could blog about Sommer's 8th grade math that I can't do. Or Calvin's 6th grade math. Or dare I admit, Ethan's 4th grade math failures on my part. Thank goodness for a brilliant husband. I think we will be okay with his tutoring skills even through High School. What in the heck are math investigations? That don't even add and subtract like I did growing up!
I could blog about my dirty carpet and my longing for it to be burned. Not going there.
I could blog about my car. About 6 months ago I left the sun roof open (I never use the dang thing and the one time...) on a totally clear night. It poured rain and left 3 inches of water in my middle console. Needless to say, my radio didn't work for weeks. When it finally started working again, there was a constant buzzing from one of the speakers...even when the car was off. This of course ran down the battery. After taking the car in, we were informed it would need to go to the dealer and some small expensive part (which can only be found by ripping off the entire front portion of our car) needed to be purchased. Like we have money for that. At least I have jumper cables in my car and I am pretty.
I could blog about the HUGE amount of food I have in my pantry thanks to Harris Teeter's incredible sales and cutting coupons. It is the greatest thing ever. I know it gives people the creeps when "couponers" start talking about "couponing" and all of the money they save. But in reality, we just want to share the joy of such a simple thing that can save you literally HUNDREDS of dollars a week. It is so dang simple.
I could blog about Brittany. I get to watch her every Tuesday. She has NBIA, a rare genetic disorder. In only a few short years, she went from a normal child to one that is fed through a feeding tube, can't walk or talk. I have learned how to feed her, drive her wheelchair (haven't crashed yet), give her breathing treatments and in an emergency, give her oxygen. She even has her own elevator. She is a beautiful 14 year old girl who loves the Jonas Brothers (this week I found all of their music videos on YouTube, and we watched each one while I feed her. She thought it was really funny when she accidentaly knocked off her feeding tube and it went zipping around spraying us with her formula. And she laughed even louder when I didn't mix up her pills enough in her tube and it clogged the whole thing. I was there holding her syringe full of formula calling out to one of her parents (who had just got home from a walk and were upstairs getting dressed). I said loudly, "Sandy?" "Rich?" "Anyone hear me?" Help?! Brittany started giggling. I then shushed her and said I was going to get in trouble. She laughed more. After no answer, I ended up having to hold the full syringe while maneuvering her electric wheelchair to the base of the stairs in hopes of getting her parents attention. She laughed the whole time...even while I bumped her a few times in the process.
It has given me pause seeing this little girl with so much joy! She can't speak but yet she communicates. She can't walk, but through her loving parents, is able to see the world. She depends on help 24-7 and she gives those that serve her, so much.
I have a tendency to rush through life. When I am with Brittany, my life slows for a moment and I am reminded to hush the rush. I look forward to my time with Brittany.
So I guess that is what I am blogging about today....
I could blog about the crazy afternoons I have created for myself. I now have 26 piano students and it might be killing me...slowly. I really love it, I do. It just is a lot when five darling kids come home from school, homework needs to be done, dinner prepared, etc. I get calls or emails every other day with moms wanting their kids to take from me (love the compliment), I can't seem to say no. Even when Garth peers into my office as I am talking with them, shaking his head and more. But how grateful I am for the extra income it has provided us during hard times. It's just a lot.
I could blog about the hours of TV I watch each night, many of which are a total waste of my time. I try not to tune in but it calls me...every evening at 8. It's kind of like a time card. I literally "clock out" and begin my zombie-like ritual over and over and over again. I need to stop. But if I did, I would just turn to reading and that usually isn't the scriptures at that hour.
I could blog about Sommer's 8th grade math that I can't do. Or Calvin's 6th grade math. Or dare I admit, Ethan's 4th grade math failures on my part. Thank goodness for a brilliant husband. I think we will be okay with his tutoring skills even through High School. What in the heck are math investigations? That don't even add and subtract like I did growing up!
I could blog about my dirty carpet and my longing for it to be burned. Not going there.
I could blog about my car. About 6 months ago I left the sun roof open (I never use the dang thing and the one time...) on a totally clear night. It poured rain and left 3 inches of water in my middle console. Needless to say, my radio didn't work for weeks. When it finally started working again, there was a constant buzzing from one of the speakers...even when the car was off. This of course ran down the battery. After taking the car in, we were informed it would need to go to the dealer and some small expensive part (which can only be found by ripping off the entire front portion of our car) needed to be purchased. Like we have money for that. At least I have jumper cables in my car and I am pretty.
I could blog about the HUGE amount of food I have in my pantry thanks to Harris Teeter's incredible sales and cutting coupons. It is the greatest thing ever. I know it gives people the creeps when "couponers" start talking about "couponing" and all of the money they save. But in reality, we just want to share the joy of such a simple thing that can save you literally HUNDREDS of dollars a week. It is so dang simple.
I could blog about Brittany. I get to watch her every Tuesday. She has NBIA, a rare genetic disorder. In only a few short years, she went from a normal child to one that is fed through a feeding tube, can't walk or talk. I have learned how to feed her, drive her wheelchair (haven't crashed yet), give her breathing treatments and in an emergency, give her oxygen. She even has her own elevator. She is a beautiful 14 year old girl who loves the Jonas Brothers (this week I found all of their music videos on YouTube, and we watched each one while I feed her. She thought it was really funny when she accidentaly knocked off her feeding tube and it went zipping around spraying us with her formula. And she laughed even louder when I didn't mix up her pills enough in her tube and it clogged the whole thing. I was there holding her syringe full of formula calling out to one of her parents (who had just got home from a walk and were upstairs getting dressed). I said loudly, "Sandy?" "Rich?" "Anyone hear me?" Help?! Brittany started giggling. I then shushed her and said I was going to get in trouble. She laughed more. After no answer, I ended up having to hold the full syringe while maneuvering her electric wheelchair to the base of the stairs in hopes of getting her parents attention. She laughed the whole time...even while I bumped her a few times in the process.
It has given me pause seeing this little girl with so much joy! She can't speak but yet she communicates. She can't walk, but through her loving parents, is able to see the world. She depends on help 24-7 and she gives those that serve her, so much.
I have a tendency to rush through life. When I am with Brittany, my life slows for a moment and I am reminded to hush the rush. I look forward to my time with Brittany.
So I guess that is what I am blogging about today....
Friday, November 6, 2009
Hilary's NEW CD!
I can't wait to hear my sister's new Christmas CD!
Can you?!
If I had a picture like this of myself, I would blow it up lifesize and put it on my front door...I'm just saying.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
It was another successful Halloween!
1. We had two skeletons (Ash not pictured). This is the 8 consecutive year we have had a skeleton child
2. Grandma Gair another Boo-tiful costume for Sommer
3. After a 4 year hiatus, we finally had another "army guy."
4. We almost had a Heather Clone when Ethan decided to dress up like a runner. He changed his mind moments before the night began since his wig itched him like crazy. Darn wig.
5. Our street put on their annual Halloween Block Party.
6. Garth and I made a very cute Osborne couple: Ozzy and Sharon!
7. Calvin went as a simple "ghost."
8. We filled out bags with candy galore! And I love candy.

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