Warning: Due to the graphic nature of the photos, parental discretion is advised!
I know the mouse has been watching me. Every move I have made in the last few weeks, he has seen. He knows we bought traps and that we have been trying to capture him. He mocks us. How do I know he has been watching me? Let me explain:
I am sitting at the computer. I hear something moving by the top of the windows edge. I slowly focus my attention to the slats of the shades and I see it. The mouse is staring down at me, watching me...
All of a sudden the mouse leaps onto the computer, its tail flinging and ears all cute and pink (how dare he try to be cute after what we have been through). I immediately make a run for the door as the mouse takes hold of my neck and starts to bear down on my jugular (not really). But I do make a run for safety and shut the office doors. I am screaming my signature mouse/spider/tick scream as Garth comes running up the stairs wondering who has broken into our home and is attacking me. "It's the Mouse! It tried to kill me!"
I cannot bear it any longer. It is time to visit Glenn, our super neighbor (he is the master of all home fix-it needs. He is our Yoda. He has assisted us in fixing toilets, clogs, fire alarms, outside lights, inside lights, you name it, he helps us fix it). We love you Glenn!
I head straight for his house. I know he can help us. He immediately comes to our rescue. With his shoe in hand and without a moments hesitation, he starts looking for "Mouse." Garth's courage is now ready, as Glenn's trusted assistant, as he clutches a large white board.
The mouse is quick. They try for what seems like hours (okay, it was like 5 minutes) to catch the mouse killer. I am safely behind the office doors watching in horror as the mouse tries to survive, scurrying behind the bookshelf, on the desk, behind a trunk. But he is no match for the 6 ft tall shoe carrying/white board packing mouse hunters.

Th mouse is literally peering around the book shelf corner trying to stay clear of impending destruction.

Glenn and Garth making their moves...I am safe on the other side.

The mouse making a run for it moments after Garth slammed down his weapon missing by inches.

Victory is ours...finally! Hopefully "Mouse" doesn't have "Friends."