Since I haven't blogged forever, here is a random sampling of our Haymarket Happenings the past month.
It started with the first day of school. More importantly, my first day with no kids in 14 years.
Here is our street's bus stop.

They are so cute together and such great friends. Calvin is loving his first year of middle school. He even made the football team being only one of two sixth graders who made it!

Then we went to the Renaissance Festival in Maryland.

The kids think he is a do I (minus the donkey hat).

Very tall man...

Our little Fool.

Our Gossip...

Another fool and a sloth...

They were punished and quickly repented.
And then just this past weekend I ran my first triathlon. The only problem is I still haven't swam or biked...maybe next year. Being on a relay was the only way to go...and much warmer.

Here is my teammates: Stephanie (biker extraordinaire) and Vicente (he could have whipped us in any event but since neither of us swim he had to take that slot).
We ended up getting fourth (by 30 seconds...not taking the fall for that one) out of 20 or so teams) and missing the