Before reaching 23, I knew from experience what usually happened around mile breakdown of body and mind. I didn't want that to happen BEFORE my actual marathon.
I remember with clarity, some 8 years ago when I ran my second marathon and first attempt at a Boston qualifying time. I was all smiles and high fives until a light switch went off at mile 18. It was like I had been hit over the head with a brick. And then my legs felt like bricks. I recall the pain being similar to child birth (minus the epidural)...seriously! I just wanted the blasted thing to be over. I remember seeing scores of runners pass me...feeling defeated, I almost quit. But I didn't. I kept saying, "Just put one foot in front of the other Heather." And I did. I guess what, I finished...and qualified for Boston.
So while running I thought to myself it was pretty awesome to run 23 miles. It was a good thing...pretty awesome feat if I say so myself. I mean, who runs 23 miles on a Saturday morning...not many people. It would be totally fine to hop in the car and be done with it. I would have accomplished my goal by working my body and mind for a longer distance.
But I kept thinking about what I would get if I finished the race...if I just ran those extra miles. Not only would I have accomplished something "good," I would receive a final reward from my effort.
1. The opportunity to run through the finish, where crowds would be cheering!
2. A medal would be placed around my neck.
3. A warm blanket would be set on my shoulders (something I couldn't wait to was COLD).
4. Fuel for my body (bagels, apples, bananas, chips, yogurt, juice)
5. A massage.
I thought about the rewards of going the extra mile...and the joy it brought to me that morning. I thought about you...and what more can be accomplish if we all would just go the extra mile. If we take the good that we do now and commit to be better what amazing things would happen. Whether we decide to show more patience in our homes, write that card of appreciation we have neglected to send, give of our time, or donate the extra we have...the rewards are great!
And the greatest reward is the joy we will feel in our hearts when we truly give of ourselves.
I see Sandy and Rich running that extra mile each day as they care for their precious Brittany. I want to be just like them when I grow up.
You do so much good...thank you. I am now only $100 from my goal! Please consider joining us as we help raise money to find a cure for NBIA as I run the Boston learn more click here