It was an excited Derby last night when Calvin and Ethan participated in the big event. Calvin redesigned a two year old championship car and Ethan started from scratch both in hopes of coming out on top.
Calvin's silver, blue and red "Patriots" themed car finished strong in second place on 2 of the 4 races. He had a few problems on his last 2 races coming in third both times. This placed him in the middle of the pack and a realization that more effort needs to go into making fast cars (hint, hint, working on car day before...no go).
Ethan, a two week old scout was thrilled to be a part of the big night. Dad and son dremmeled the car into a sleek racing machine. Painted green with a customized BRONCO (compliments of the family artsy-fartsy, Garth), he came to the race with high hopes. They were dashed as his car seemed a bit slow for the competition. But hopes were high as the annoucement was made, "the top three slowest cars" would receive the coveted "turtle trophy." Unforunately, Ethan's car was a bit too fast coming in as the fourth slowest car in the derby.
Both boys (and Garth) had a great time designing their cars and of course racing them! Watch out in 2009!